Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Will Rogers Said ...

RCS Posts history: Will Rogers humor


                Will Rogers is an interesting guy from our recent history.
He is often funny and smart. Check him out online; Wikipedia is a good place to start.

Below are a few things he has said that I have enjoyed. Bet you can find a quote here that you enjoy: 

~ "Ten men in the country could buy the world and 10 million can't buy enough to eat."
~ There is one thing in common with all revolutions( In fact they are pretty near wars in that respect)nobody knows what they are fighting about. 
~ "This would be a great time in the world for some man to come along that knew something."
~ We don't have to worry about anything . No nation in the world was ever sitting so pretty. If we want anything, all we have to do is buy it on credit."
~ Villains are getting as thick as college degrees. and sometimes on the same fellow."
~ When the judgement day comes, civilization will have an alibi, 'I never took a human life, I only sold the fellow the gun to take it with."
~ "We shouldn't elect a president, we should elect a magician."
~  "...the most unemployed or the hungriest man in America has contributed in some way to the wealth of every millionaire in America. It was the big boys themselves who thought that this financial drunk we are going through was going to last forever. They over-merged and over capitalized and over-everything else. That's the fix we are in now."
~ "Who considers the poor billionaire?"

            Don't blame me for the quotes. Will Rogers said it.
Some people thought that Will was some kind of cowboy others thought he was some kind of Indian. You can learn a lot about the USA by learning about him.

Richard S

Monday, May 24, 2021

What is a First Cousin Once Removed?

RCS Posts genealogy






Our relatives. What is our relationship? It seems its all relative.

How many first cousins can one have?

How may we say that your cousin's children are related to you?

We do seem to keep it in the family. 


"We" Is An Activity

RCS Posts community and "we" maintenance including: communication, unity, common interests   

A kind of meditation:

We can agree that "we" is a relationship, can't we? When we agree to relate it may be good to speak of the level at which we wish to relate. At what level might it be good for us to relate? We could speak of the reason for our relationship. How might we go about relating ? Might it be important that we show our concern for our "we?"

What's in it for you? What's your interest? How is a mutual or reciprocal relationship handled?

A "we" must consist of people, persons, individuals, right? Have you seen
the start of a "we?" Was there a kind of joining? Doesn't a "we" require some kind of maintenance?

What do you suspect, believe, or know about the "we" in the "We the people..." document?

That "we" could refer to us. How do we go about keeping track of our common interests? How do we reciprocate? "We the people" are a social relationship, aren't they?

Let's say that we are the people in the "We the people" we know about.
What is the nature of our relationship? What is reason for our relationship? What's in it for you?

"We" implies a unity, a union. We can probably agree that better and worse unions can be detected. How might we form a more perfect union?

You may have some notions of "we" stirring in your mind now.

Communication is important. Talk, dialogue, discussion are important. Talk of "us" and "we"  may be so important as to be called vitally important.

I say that communication of persons is vitally important for the initiation and maintenance of a "we".    

To have a good nation we have to have a good "we". 

            Some find a sentence or two above worth contemplation.