Showing posts with label ice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Baltic Wonderland

Bordering the Baltic Sea

Beautiful photography, wonderful wildlife of a habitat not well known. It's between Finland and Sweden. A trip there can take you into some good fishing and out of the heat.                                                                                  rcs

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Earth Changes Contiued

                             More than virus was the name on a draft of this post begun some time ago.

                        We see some thought provoking happenigs and dongs these days. For example we find that a few expert observers, a few experience men and women have their eyes  on happenings in the artic and sub-artic around what we call the north pole. Other expert experienced obsrvers have doing the same around the south pole. They were saying that happenings they were happening more than twice as other world wide changes. Now most are saying three times as fast. 

                        As we have heard, that includes global warming. That means that the snow and very large quantities of ice and permafrost are melting very fast. Our experts tell that these happenings at the poles have many world wide effects. They are telling us that Earth changes are happening quickly and will continue to do so. A look at the nightly news suggests that they are not the only ones to think so. Those managing the news usually practics keeping us interested while keeping us calm. Now in the news we are hereing more and more about Earth changes that are not strickly calming.

                        We more of us lived east of our grear Mississippi River and people heard the words "The water is ten feet high and rising" most understood that it was time to consider the nearest high land or a very good boat. Our experts are repeating words of comparable meaning. However, they have so much to say about happenings so large and changing so fast that it is not easy to figure out exactly what they are trying to tells. Also we have so lost contact with those we trust well, that we do not trust. We don't really trust that there has been a dumbing of Americans.

                        Our well-being is likely to suffer major disturbance if we do not get valuable information correctly soon. Sorry for this little rant, but it may turn out to be very important for us to make vital adaptations mutually soon. We may suffer if we do not begin co-operative adaptations soon.

                        I the first part of this essay I began to report a bit of what seems important to me. Its not news. Now there are many more reports on TV, online, and elsewhere. We need to judge the import and value to us of what we are. We need to make the best judgement we can. We may or may not be the greatest cause of what is happening, but as usual we are the ones who need to adapt. We do not have to do anything, even so, I believe that we ought to do something. Something bigger seems tobe happening than just flooding our homestead and crops. 

                        We need to become more aware of what is going on so that we can consider what we had best do.

                        Many thoughtful persons now saying that we have begun to experience bigger and faster changes than we ever have and that we may continue to experience them so long as we live. Bigger changes are happening in shorter periods of time. Types of changes we may never heard of have begun. We still have time to learn more and I believe that it is never to late to do something. Still it is best when we can make choices that are truly useful. To do so it seems necesary to be more aware of what is happening and what are to be likely results.

                        It is nice to know that climate changes are far from being our fault. Still it is probably true that we have made them worse. It may be time to put thoughts of  blame aside. It may be time to find ways to co-operate with others to adapt to changes. Some, of the changes underway may prove more than a little dangerous. So, effective adaptation may be very importatant to the well-bing of you and yours and the rest of us.

                    There is that which can do andought to do. We have learned to adapt to much of that which we cannot change. We can give the the young a better chance to survive and to thrive.

                     Let's begin to look at some of the troublesome happenings which have begun to cross our path. To avoid overwhelming myself and perhaps I am restricting my self to the results of the polar melting and thawing which continues to increase.

                As we have noted, as ice and permafrost thaws stuff is being released. Some of that stuff  seems neithe good nor bad. Some are likely to prove very useful, much will take adapting to, a little will be deadly. I have mentioned what some of that stuff is. You can find out more.

                Melting ice has raised the sea level and will raise it more. Some of the rise may come suddenly. Estimates of how much sea level will rise are a vailable. A small percentag of islanders have left their homes. People on low lying islands and othes with sea front are properties are already making adaptations. Some authorities have said that some adaotations may be to little or to late. The rise of the sea is still quite slow.

                However, releases from thawing ice and especially thawing permafrost are looking fast to many. Some 75years ago some old anthrax was released from thawing permafrost. Much permafrost is made up mostly of soaking wet plant mater frozen solid, often may yards down. The perma- in permafrost suggests that many did not expect it to thaw. It is. Some is thawing that has been frozen solid for a very, very long time. Some has thawed to revial a boy and about 20 raindeer of times past.

                Over the years we have buried radioactive waste beneath ice and permafrost. Some has been reported as exposed. By now I expect there has been more. Perhaps you know someone who can check this out. 

                Some ancient antibiotic resistant bacteria is reviviving as it is being released from melting ice and permfrost. No one is stopping that release, and other bacteria are being revived. It is up to us to adapt. I am not providing the proof of my assertions here and not even much evidence; I leave that up to you. I hope that you will find a way to share your findings with us. We have been losing our comments apps on associated blogs. I hope that you will find the comments app here workble.

                Happenings keep happening. Climate changes which are bigger than we are used to and coming much faster than usual. There is also evidence of other Earth changes beging to ocurr which are doing so more quickly than usual. We have much to deal with and much adapting to do. I hope that we are beginning to practice are abilities for colaboration and cooperation a bit more effectively.

               We have made changes to our environment without much forethought. We have even used drugs and medicens without much consideration of their effcts. We call those effects side-effects of little importants. The doings of mankind have important effects. However, there are other hapenings that are large and important and have little to do with humanity. Some of those happenings were ocurring from deep within the Earth before the was a human to set foot on Earth. Other happenings effecting us and our Earth come from the Sun and the solar system others for the Milky Way the galecie i which our solar systen revolves, others come for God knows where. It is our part to adapt. We have the mirical of self awareness to aid us. We can be conscious of that which is occurring around us.

            Students of our EarthHave been telling that beyond the wural and travel of the Earth that it also has shifts and wobbles centered on its axis which effect our climate and ecology. All these happening have been going on faster and slower since long before Noah. The tip and wabble changes how much sun and its warmth reaches various sections of the Earth. There is no blame here, but we are called on to use our adaptability to make appropriate adjustments to our doings.
                Please find someone with whom to find out more about these happenings so as to become more aware of their nature and how we can adapt to them. I am willing to co-operate here. We can learn more and do more to help ourselves.

                We can learn to trust ourselves and others more appropriatly. For example we can help one other learn more about the gas methane. For example, I understand that there is now an increasingly rapid release of antique methane gas from arctic, antarctic and subarctic melts and thaws of ice and permafrost that dffects us and leads to other Earth changes. As an example it seems sure that these melts and thaws also include release of ancient virus with a significant amout of them reviving. Some of those reviving can bring new dangers to our health. To adapt, perhaps we could provide our public health people with a bit more help.

                So the melting of  pllar ice can cause a number of threats to humanity. The Bible tells us that Noah delt with some of them in our past. Students of geology and others tell us of evidences of past rapid and catistrofic flooding. We are capable of preparing to deal with such flooding. With this melting Canada and Russia are getting new sea routes. They are adapting by developing their sea trade. The Russians especialy are making some use of Rivers in their north as a way to move goods and people. Those rivers, in perhaps all of our history, were frozen solid and just in our time have thawed.

                It seems healthy for us and our youth to make some effort to keep up on that which is going on with more understanding. It is not too late to benefit from a bit more awareness of our situation.

                I Have said that permafrost is frozen soil and plant matter(animal too) which has feozen deep into the earth at the bottom of shallower seas. That permafrost is no longer permanant. It's thawing. That is very evident to those who have built roads, homes, and airports upon it. The thawing leads to other changes. For example, it is increasing the percetage of CO2 and methane gas in our atmosphere. That means a smaller percentage of oxygen for us to breathe. The knowledge of how to get enough oxygen is available. Let's take advanntage of that knowledge.

                When you would like me to write more on these themes, please try to let me know. Also, I really need help with proof-reading and editing these essays and posts of mine. I even need help with my spelling. If you care to help or know of another who can help please let me. The spellcheck app is disappeaering from my blogs as are comment apps. It is probably possible to get them back, but I have not been able to find the way. I will be greatful for this needed help.

                You may find it beneficial to explore the essays, videos, and posts on this blog  and on the associated blogs.

                    Thank you for reading.
