Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Few Quotes

                A lot depends upon how one interprets them

                "The philosophy in the classroom today is the philosophy of the government "  by Norman Williams

I am not sure it is true. I believe that parents and citizens are responsible for their schools and that which is taught in the classroom. When they abdicate that responsibility children, youth, and our culture suffers. 

"The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."

by George Orwell

I think that our concepts of honesty, experience, and good evidence could take up a lot of slake.

"The public will believe anything so long as it is not founded on truth."

By Edith Sitwell

This seems an exaggeration and not quite true. It seems that most of our public is educated in our public education systems. It seems that the public is made up of the ones responsible of our public education systems. What happens when they fail to honor their responsibility.

"Ours is the only country deliberately founded on a good idea"

That is republicanism and democracy and the idea that governance is in the hands of the citizens and is their responsibility. When they do not uphold that responsibility the fall into ignorance.

by John Gunther

            What do you think? Who is responsible for you and yours? Who is responsible for your neighborhood? Your health? Your organization. Your county? Your co-operation? Your education? 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A Democtactic Meeting

RCS Posts governance including: all democracy is participatory and look at a political meeting.


                Below find hints on how to recognize a democratic meeting. Its okay to some more about participate in one.

                As you look them over you may find it useful to keep in mind that all democracy is participatory. Each democratic meeting ought to be a powerful learning experience for one who has eyes used to see and ears used to hear. You may find that you are learning some rules that generally make meetings more effective for most participants.

Other happenings at a meeting, democratic or not:

~ Politics may be being practiced.

~ Some may be consciously practicing dialogue skills, methods, and techniques.

~ Some are finding that their respect and courtesy are good for them and theirs. 

~ Others may be increasing their understanding of the vocabulary of the business at hand.

OK, on to the hints.

A meeting is likely to be democratic when it is:

~ of, by, and for its participants.

~ as free as possible from outside powers.

~ autonomous.

~ held in a safe place. An attribute of a safe place is that it is neutral.

~ designed and redesigned to meet the needs of participants.

~ better when participants realize that it is an important listening experience.

~ designed to enhance the equality of participants, each and every participant.

~ better when leadership roles are kept to a minimum and are of wide participation. Take turns.

~ a "teach-in" and a learning experience. A chance to learn the nature of another's point of view. 

~ often a time more for understanding and less for decisions.

~ less authoritarian and hierarchical and more horizontal, and egalitarian.

~ a time for thinking together.

~ a time when your your comments and communications are best addressed to the group as a whole.

~ time to practice good manners and honesty. 

~ an opportunity to observe the nature of the effectiveness of participatory democracy.

            These hints are not about an arrival, but rather about an intended direction.

            We have more to learn.