Showing posts with label Tao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tao. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Health: Tao Internal Execise

RCS Posts, health: An introduction to Taoist internal exercises. Chinese practices from 4,500 BC to today.          


            Certain Taoists have long practiced health and energy related activities which they have called "internal exercises." I have not become a practicant of of the exercises. However, my aunt Virginia introduced me to them long ago an they still interest me. I am now developing an exercise program more suitable to my present age. Although I know that I sometimes tend to to overdevelop a program or practice, I have thought to include some of these ancient Chinese practices in my exercise program.

        There are many kinds of Taoists, some of them laughable. Still many of their practices are built around a very strong core. When something worked, they used it. When it did not, it was discarded.
        Many of the suggestions I may include in future writings have their origins in that which were known by Taoists in about 4500 BC and certainly have roots which are much older. 

        I am willing to try that which has worked well for others to see if it works for me. The notes I am working from right now I jotted down while reading a work by a Chinese doctor by the name of S. T. Chang who worked in the time of the controversial Chinese Empress Chi Shee. 

        In this work I will probably attend much to exercises called Deer, Crane, and Turtle. Developers and practitioners of these believe that there is an inherent and natural process in which  man is important and that a man who follows the rules of earth is more likely to do well than one who does not.

        I plan to write more on this topic. If the topic seems one that may be useful to you you might check out Taoism and the Tao online as you wait for this, sometimes turtle-like write to write more.

by Richard Sheehan