Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Limits of Our Responsibility

We can learn and adapt. We can govern ourselves. We have even begun to understand rules and laws of Earth and beyond. But our control over the movement of and changes of the Universe, the Solar system, and our very Earth. We have begun to gather evidence of happenings of perhaps 5 million years ago, but our interpretations of it sometimes seem like silly guesses.

                Scientists have been helpful. They have learned that is difficult for humans to understand everything at once. They also find that we can learn a lot from samples of reality. They have also learned that we have a lot to learn about the quality of  samples. They have also learned that we are capable of many slip-ups in our interpretation of the information we gain from our samples.

                Even so we have the ability to learn and do have the will to learn correctly, truly, and even approach reality. Knowledgeable scientific interpretation of high quality is becoming available and we can learn to judge it, but it does take learning. Learning form which we may benefit. 

                We have learn that some happenings are cyclical in nature. Not perfectly so, but recognizably so.

                We have learned that we are sensitive and are beginning to learn just how sensitive trees are.

                We are learning that we have a lot responsibility. We know that our responsibilities are not infinite, but seem to have plenty to learn about the limits of our responsibility.


Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Few Quotes

                A lot depends upon how one interprets them

                "The philosophy in the classroom today is the philosophy of the government "  by Norman Williams

I am not sure it is true. I believe that parents and citizens are responsible for their schools and that which is taught in the classroom. When they abdicate that responsibility children, youth, and our culture suffers. 

"The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."

by George Orwell

I think that our concepts of honesty, experience, and good evidence could take up a lot of slake.

"The public will believe anything so long as it is not founded on truth."

By Edith Sitwell

This seems an exaggeration and not quite true. It seems that most of our public is educated in our public education systems. It seems that the public is made up of the ones responsible of our public education systems. What happens when they fail to honor their responsibility.

"Ours is the only country deliberately founded on a good idea"

That is republicanism and democracy and the idea that governance is in the hands of the citizens and is their responsibility. When they do not uphold that responsibility the fall into ignorance.

by John Gunther

            What do you think? Who is responsible for you and yours? Who is responsible for your neighborhood? Your health? Your organization. Your county? Your co-operation? Your education? 


Monday, January 24, 2022

Dumbded Down

 RCS Posts: Education: You may be helpless, we are not.          


            My old aunt spoke to me long ago of "the numbing of America" and now I have struggle against it a bit. We each are responsible our teaching our children as best we can. We can do better.We do not have to believe all we hear. These topics ought to be of some importance and use to us.
            The US is not the only place dumbing has been practiced. We need not be helpless. Let's educate ourselves and our children much, much better.
            Our duming may not be completely our own fault. There is some evidence of coordinated effort to dumb us. We need not worry much about that we are capable of educating ourselves. We are many and there is help available. Self education and self governance takes co-operation. Organization is only a step above co-operation.

            Together we can become less vulnerable to fear and hysteria. neither of these help our  organization, co-operation, education, responsibilities, rights, or freedom.
