RCS Posts: Enhance flavors for better eating
We can benefit by using herbs to enhance the flavor of fruits, cheeses, and meats. Use herbs to provide new, interesting, and delicious flavors to your food. Herbs add rare and valuable nutrients to your dining. The savor they add can amaze. Below are ways specific herbs have been successfully matched with a given food.
Experiment with the following combinations:
bay chives, cloves, cumin, red pepper, marjoram, savory bay leaves,
mustard, black pepper, red chilies, red pepper, horseradish with fatty
roasts .....
Lamb: garlic, marjoram, oregano, rosemary........
Pork: Coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, savory, thyme.....
Cheese: basil, chervil, curry, dill, fennel, garlic, marjoram, parsley....
Fruit: aníse, cinnamon, coriander, cloves, lemon, verbena, mint, rose geranium, sweet cicely....
~ It is often good to begin with a recipe.
~ Herbs are often potent, they can be costly, Use them sparingly(at first),
~ Experiment with herbs one at a time on yourself before offering your creation to a friend.
~ Make little(or big) slits in roasts and put select herbs in those slits.
~ Buy herbs one at a time and at first try them one at a time.
~ Start with herbs mentioned most often here or elsewhere.
Eating joy and health.