Showing posts with label teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teacher. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Way of Learning

 RCS Posts: Learning/teaching/culture. Learning Activity


                A teacher's activity and the activity of a student both have esoteric facets. Nevertheless, most of us have important understandings of both learning and teaching.

                A teacher arranges data, facts, information, and knowledge for students to do the same for themselves and for others. Also a teacher aims aims to avoid damaging a student's motivation. It's the transmission of culture.

                A teacher helps students to use logic, definitions, and analysis to their benefit and the benefit of their world. Who was it that said teaching is easy?

                Good teacher's words are often like tiny seeds which may be held in many different hands and are pregnant with meaning. A simple utterance, like "The beginning is half of the whole." may confuse one for a time, but later help that one through difficult times. 

                A teacher's words may be powerful and impart power, and being so, also be dangerous. A good teacher offers them as tiny, easily controlled sparks which may, in time, spark a productive fire which makes a smith's fire seem small.

                To be a truly good learner or disciple, is to be heard by the teacher. Too be heard the pupil must speak. The teacher is a reacher. A teacher wants to extend himself or herself to the learner. Good teachers and good students must both be good listeners. Good listening is not easy. That good teacher wants to be prompt to hear, to listen, and to understand. A hard job, a difficult one. But, first the disciple must speak; often not an easy task. Even so it is best that the disciple speak well. Disciple and master desire to retain and preserve in memory the better part of that which is heard and to understand it. Each interprets and probably reinterprets.

                A good student dismisses nothing which is taught until the the rudiments are mastered. It can sometimes seem much to swallow. But one does well to first try to ingest or create a kind of framework for those rudiments. It's okay to swallow a bit of framework; try it you may like it. I once thought of it as a set of hooks that I could hang stuff on and not let it just fall out of my mind. It an organizing feature early on. I could hang similar stuff on the same hook or on near hooks. They were there for me to use, check out, and from time to time to say something like, "Ah, I see!  

                Sometimes just one interesting fact or piece of information may be held as a kind of magnet for related information until some organization emerges. That organization can be the beginning of one of a student's frameworks. That framework as a student owns it, ought to be kept flexible. A student may come  to love a "framework" that has proven useful in her life only to find she has to let go of it and to replace it with one more realistic. Learning can be difficult and relearning no easier. 

                As life goes on, a learner may find that he has made useful places to hang, some say attach, new information and new understandings of a similar or corresponding nature. He may find hat he has created a place to do analysis.

                As one observes one's learning one may see something like the above happening much on its own. Co-operating with that happening can often be a productive practice.

                The good teacher may offer a ready-made framework as part of a lesson on, say, analysis. The good student is grateful.

                Thank you for reading.




Sunday, December 26, 2021

Got to Thinking About Chemistry

RCS Posts "science:" Chemicals have effects on us: good, bad, and all in between, depending upon our knowledge and our actions.


                 I know that for many chemistry is not the greatest topic and on top of that all my memories are not great. However we do know that there is a lot of chemistry in our lives and we are usually aware that their effects on us are bad and good and, a lot in between. 

                As I thought of chemistry I remembered how I had mixed "Ingredients" in lots of little bottles I had collected when not much more than a toddler. 

                 Next I thought about my '"experiments" with alcohol when I was about eight. 

                After that I remembered a rather nice chemistry set my parents got for me when I as about eleven.  My younger brothers got deeply into it before I had explored it much. My little brothers ate much of their "experiments." At the time I might have had some hope that those experiments of their might lead to really terrible stomachaches

                Then came to mind a time that I was looking for a classroom in a high-school new to me. In the course of this process I walked into a classroom and saw on the wall a abundantly daunting chart. Next I saw a teacher sitting at a desk and asked him about the chart. He told me it was the periodic tables. I asked, "Of what?"  He said "Chemical elements.  I thanked him and as I walked out I thought, "No chemistry for me." I had forgotten to ask about my class.

                But...chemistry effects all of us and we do have some responsibility for our own well-being. 

                As I glanced through an article on, I guess, the ecology of chemistry, I began to think "toxic," "toxic chemicals." Sorry.

Then the questions began to come:

~ How can I find out about the toxicity of the chemicals in my life? Our lives?
~ Who can help us get the fact straight?
~ What are the chemicals in my life?
~ Who will help us to find out how toxic a given chemical is?
~ Who wants to confuse us about the facts? 
~ What do we want? need? expect? deserve?
~ What symptoms are there? Would on need an antidote?
~ How can we get what we want?
~ How can we find out how a chemical concoction is best used? Is there an effective and less toxic substitute.
~ Is there a chemical which is never toxic?
~ How are we as a people determining sound environmental practices?

                Sometimes when the questions start they just just keep coming.

                I believe that some of the answers are likely to be very important to us. Very important to the US.

                It is OK to reread the questions above.

                My ignorance of chemicals, chemistry, and governance effects chemicals not at all. It does effect me and may effect you. I am willing to be willing to learn and to co-operate.

                                                           by Richard Sheehan

                 All of your  comments are important to me. Constructive ones are supper important.Any comment is great. Comments please. Even comments about my spelling are wonderful.A comment about content is very, very good. If they are negative they are great. I am not a fast learner, but even a negative comment can be a great learning aid. 
