Showing posts with label Colombia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colombia. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Measuring Happiness: How is your country doing?

RCS Posts: Measuring the Happines of Individuals on nearly every Country on Earth 

                A good effort is being made by a small number of institutions to measure the happiness of the people of a given country. The results of such measurement could provide a method by which to compare the average happiness of  the people of one country to that of the people of another country. Not an easy task.

                Another difficult task is to measure the economic equality of any given country in such a way as to measure economic equality levels among countries. The U.N. is one of the institutions attempting to measure and compare such less than perfectly defined terms as "economic equality" and "happiness." List of countries ordered by relative equality or happiness are now published each year or two.

                So far it seems they do a more realistic job of measuring economic equality than they do of measuring happiness.

The published results often include some interesting details such as: perception of corruption, freedom to make life choices, and GDP per capita (which is given much weight in the list below).

The top few countries from the years 2014 through 2016, listed in numerical order, with the happiest first with the rest following in descending order of happiness:
1. Norway  
2. Denmark (a more recent listing has Denmark first)
3. Iceland (a together county who's people are learning they still need to participate in an ongoing national dialogue.)
4. Switzerland (It does seem that the rich may be happier than the rest of us.)
5. Finland (or maybe the colder are happier.)
6. Netherlands
7. Canada
8. New Zeland
9. Australia
10. Sweden
11. Israel
12. Costa Rica
13. Austria
14. United States (Nice to see the U.S. still in the top fifth)
15. Ireland (nice going!)
16. Germany
17. Belgium
18. Luxembourg
19. United Kingdom (Kind of like England.)
20. Chile
21. United Arab Emirates
22. Brazil
23 Czech Republic (good)
24. Argentina
26. Singapore
27. Malta
28. Uruguy
29. Guatemala (How were the Maya counted?)
30. Panama 
31. France
32. Thailand 
33. Taiwan 
34. Spain
35. Quatar
36. Colombia (not bad)
37. Saudi Arabia
38. Trinidad Tobago
39. Kuwait
40. Slovakia

                This list does not show all the information available on the orginal. You can find more complete and up to date information online. I suggest that you start with the U.N. has ONU to Spanish speakers. I know you will not believe everything you see on a list. We are pretty sure that ever country has some level of corruption. An organization of countries such as the U.N. is likely to have some corruption. Even your favorite list from your favorite organization is likely to have its bias.

                Check to see how your country is doing today by checking the latest U.N. Do check out more lists online. Do talk with us about what you find or would like to find.

                                                                                by Richard Sheehan


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Colombian Natural Regions

RCS Posts: A Great Variety of Regions in Colombia!




     It's alive. It's a great biosphere of variety and activity. There is desert, rivers, a great variety of altitudes an climates. There are two oceans and the Amazon, There are people, coffee, and a lot of flowers. People of many nations say that parts of the country side reminds them of their own country.




Monday, June 21, 2021

Cine En El Tiempo de Covi o Mi Otra Yo

  Count this as the opening of this new little Blog called Colombia and Colombians.

Its about a new Colombian film opening which I was invited to attend, but was unable to do.

The film opened in Medellin, Colombia last night. The audience laughed at the nonsense as they enjoyed a reflection of a side of themselves not enough felt in these times.

A bit of the storyline has been recounted to me and it seems simply interesting and quirky and perhaps a bit ironic. I do not know the author of the screen play yet.

I believe I have discovered the correct name. Its:

Mi Otra Yo

The producer is: Dago Garcia

The director: Julian Gavidia

The new star is the famous artist who goes by the name of Lokillo.

There are many artists know by Colombians in the production. One of them has become ill with this infamous virus, and was still able to fulfilled her part with aplomb and to the pleasure of her audience.

Below is somewhat personal Information I have  gathered about the man who directed this new film at the time it is needed, Don Julian Gavidia.  Mr. Gavidia seems to modern for the use of Don, but it seems I'm not. 

The following items were recently posted in RCS Posts:


         Julian of Medellin. Julian Gavidia. In certain circles of in this capital of Antioquia one may hear the name often. I do not know him well, but have learned some details about him.

        He has an attractive older sister in the heart of Mexico. She is a young wife and mother of a gifted son. She has a connection of sorts with Uruguay and a stronger one with the Dominquez. She also has a growing career in education.

        He also an older brother, who I have heard called Tolu, but now I understand, is spending some months in Barranquilla. His name is Juan Pablo and he has the respect of a few respectable men in Medellin. He also has a lovely and intelligent young wife.

        Julian has been called a multitasker, probably for good reason. One task he has recently completed is the creation of a film, with some help. The word is that this new Colombia movie had discriminating Paisas laughing in Medellin last evening. He is also an Arteaga with some connection with the Duque. 

        Who can tell us more about  this interesting man and his new film?

Please add information in the "comments" section below.
