Tom Tom
The piper's son
He played
The drum
Ton ton Tum
Short essays on a variety of topics including: health, Earth, healthcare, food, science, public health, education, and travel. Some videos too. Videos include film and movies. and, maybe, an occasional book review. There is an "Affirmations Page" in the left-hand column. This may be a place for some discussion of language,
One who lives life in the present, in the here and now, and who is becoming more aware of the world as it is, may be called sane.
Today is the very life of life. In this brief span are all the truths and realities of ones life. The bliss of growth is today. The glory of action is today. The splendor is today.
It may not be just so, but it does seem worth a thought.
"We" have known about Climate change since 1912.
The better our understanding of acupuncture and the more we use acupuncture, the better our health and the lower the cost of our healthcare. It seems that acupuncture even leads to healthier healthcare. Acupuncture has many uses in care and cure. To begin with it is a safer and usually a less expensive way to handle pain than are drugs.
We can learn more about acupuncture and we ought to. We are doing so right now! good for us. Helping one another to learn can make the learning easier and the benefits to come sooner. You can participate in that help by sharing some of your thoughts on the topic in the "comments" section below.
In the U.S some helpful co-operation has begun. But it is not common yet. In fact there is some active resistance from officials and professionals. There is also a lot of what we might call passive resistance from many officials and professionals.
The French, Russians, Chinese, and others have experienced more use of Acupuncture than have most of us in the Americas. They are benefiting from that use now. For a time the communist autocracy resisted acupuncture as much as any of us. However, the China of today has been enjoying the benefits of acupuncture once again. Western style doctors there and including those practicing acupuncture are co-operating so that many Chinese are getting better healthcare at more affordable prices.
In the U.S. about 20% of the costs to the individual for many surgical procedures go to the anesthesiologist for his work and the use of his life saving equipment. As we learn more about acupuncture, its safety, its shortening of hospital stays, and its chances for lowering insurance rates, the more interesting it gets.
To me, what is more interesting yet is the way it simple stops the pain of most surgery in ways most common among us. That interest is augmented as we look into the effective ways acupuncture successfully treats, heals, and cures in situations in which our care is much less successful.
There is that which we can do to improve our health. We can take better care of ourselves just by actually doing that which can do to take care of ourselves. We can also learn more about acupuncture and its use in our country. Perhaps you could talk to your doctor about it. We can use the internet to learn much about it. We can ask friend and family what they have heard about it, or if they have experienced it. You might find an organization interested it and learn more about them and more about acupuncture through them. You could tells a bit about what you find out via our ''comment'' section. Sharing information and be empowering.
I hope to share more about acupuncture with you right here.
Thank you for reading.
For readers who are not familiar with the many search options available to them here, I will begin to review some of them.
It seems that blogs are so out of fashion that few remember how they may be fashioned. For example this blog is of three columns. I have used the central column as the place up to 400 essays or posts.
important function of the columns to the left and right of the central
column is to offer you apps to help you find the essays which interest
you. They are largely made up of search apps. However, they also contain
other helpful apps.
Let me begin with the column to your left on the main view of the page. On all of my blogs the this left hand column begins with the app which allows you to select the language in which to choose to read the post you select.
Other apps you will find in this column may have a different order on each of the associated blogs. For example the next app might be "Associated Blog Sites to visit." To be transported to the one which interests you and be transported to it. The next app may be "Popular Posts." There you can find the names of up to four posts others have been finding interesting. Each name will be follow by a few words about it. click on that name and that post will appear. Next you may come to a title that reads "Pages." Click on one of the listings there and be taken to another page where you can find posts much like this one or different.
The last listing in this column will usually be "Blog Archive." This can be a very useful app for you. Use it to become familiar with the essays and other posts available on this blog site. You will see a list of years and months. Click on one and you will taken to all of the posts published in that period. All are interesting and usually contain some hard to find YouTube videos which YouTube allows me to show.
The right hand column usually begins with a search app, perhaps with the title "Search This Site." There is a little window in which you may enter a word or phrase and then click on the word "Search." Try it and see what happens.
I will leave this little post here for a few weeks and then move it to "Pages." You are now on the home page.
This is a good place from which to comment.
A good effort is being made by a small number of institutions to measure the happiness of the people of a given country. The results of such measurement could provide a method by which to compare the average happiness of the people of one country to that of the people of another country. Not an easy task.
Become a cowboy and save the Earth and save our world. Become a goat girl and do the same. A shepherd can do it too. Not really a joke.
RCS Post: Picture of SCIENCE
The real building blocks of science with David Tong
It seems to be our best analysis yet. Are there fundamental building blocks of all?
How did time start to exist. My mother might have said that she was not sure how, but she felt sure she knew where and that was, in the mind of man.
There is food for thought here. There is also power to do.
We have experienced a new viral disease vector among us. We have called it Covid-19 and know that it is an effective contagion. It has spread among us by watery droplets and particles of a variety of sizes, many to small to be seen by our unaided eyes.
Speaking of eyes, Covi (as we affectionately call it in Colombia), may enter our system through our eyes.
Covid can also be transmitted to us as aerosols so is a bit airborne, but is born down by the water which carries it. There may be disease vectors which are more effectively airborne.
A more fully airborne vector could infect a larger portion of Earth with more deadly effect than Covid. Such a situation could be met with a well organized, well prepared public public response. A more generally organized and effective response than the people of Earth have practiced within memory is possible. That is, a lot of us could be called to practice a co-operation, organization, and understanding to which we have not yet become familiar. Who would make that call? Who would respond to it?
We are the public and we are the responsible for our public health system. It is up to us to organize. We have been reminded that a healthy public health system and a well educated corps of public health journalists could help us greatly. When we do not take responsibility for our public health system and our public health Journalists who might? With a little more support and co-operation, with a little more support our public health system could be better prepared to support our health and to stand with us effectively.
However, the people of that system may not be the best to keep enough of us well informed. Many of the specialists and professionals of our public health system are much like many of our doctors. They often speak a language we do not readily understand. They have a language which appears to serve them well, but does not serve us very well.
For a little while, at a time when there were fewer of us, a significant number of us were kept better informed by news paper journalist who specialized in public health issues and sometimes had dedicated columns. There are now fewer news papers per-capita and they not as well funded and the demand for specialized columns is low. No new public health specials are be employ by papers or magazines and we are less well informed. New journalist to specialize in public health are not being trained or educated.
How can we get an ongoing stream of important public health information which we can easily understand? The answer to that question seems to be up to us.
I have done little to support a good and improving public health system or a good public health information distribution system. How about you. You or I can't do a lot alone, but perhaps there is a larger we willing to do a bit together.
We have a lot to learn and a lot to. We might do well do begin some of that learning and doing right now. Its a good thing that we can be so very many.
Just below there is a "comments" widow available for your input. You can tell me what you would like to read here on RCS Posts. You can add pertinent information to this post. You can correct my errors, ask questions, and make comments.
Thank you for reading this little essay.
A teacher's activity and the activity of a student both have esoteric facets. Nevertheless, most of us have important understandings of both learning and teaching.
A teacher arranges data, facts, information, and knowledge for students to do the same for themselves and for others. Also a teacher aims aims to avoid damaging a student's motivation. It's the transmission of culture.
A teacher helps students to use logic, definitions, and analysis to their benefit and the benefit of their world. Who was it that said teaching is easy?
Good teacher's words are often like tiny seeds which may be held in many different hands and are pregnant with meaning. A simple utterance, like "The beginning is half of the whole." may confuse one for a time, but later help that one through difficult times.
A teacher's words may be powerful and impart power, and being so, also be dangerous. A good teacher offers them as tiny, easily controlled sparks which may, in time, spark a productive fire which makes a smith's fire seem small.
To be a truly good learner or disciple, is to be heard by the teacher. Too be heard the pupil must speak. The teacher is a reacher. A teacher wants to extend himself or herself to the learner. Good teachers and good students must both be good listeners. Good listening is not easy. That good teacher wants to be prompt to hear, to listen, and to understand. A hard job, a difficult one. But, first the disciple must speak; often not an easy task. Even so it is best that the disciple speak well. Disciple and master desire to retain and preserve in memory the better part of that which is heard and to understand it. Each interprets and probably reinterprets.
A good student dismisses nothing which is taught until the the rudiments are mastered. It can sometimes seem much to swallow. But one does well to first try to ingest or create a kind of framework for those rudiments. It's okay to swallow a bit of framework; try it you may like it. I once thought of it as a set of hooks that I could hang stuff on and not let it just fall out of my mind. It an organizing feature early on. I could hang similar stuff on the same hook or on near hooks. They were there for me to use, check out, and from time to time to say something like, "Ah, I see!
Sometimes just one interesting fact or piece of information may be held as a kind of magnet for related information until some organization emerges. That organization can be the beginning of one of a student's frameworks. That framework as a student owns it, ought to be kept flexible. A student may come to love a "framework" that has proven useful in her life only to find she has to let go of it and to replace it with one more realistic. Learning can be difficult and relearning no easier.
As life goes on, a learner may find that he has made useful places to hang, some say attach, new information and new understandings of a similar or corresponding nature. He may find hat he has created a place to do analysis.
As one observes one's learning one may see something like the above happening much on its own. Co-operating with that happening can often be a productive practice.
The good teacher may offer a ready-made framework as part of a lesson on, say, analysis. The good student is grateful.
Thank you for reading.
Or, Look at the upper left-hand corner of the blog and see the space to print your one or two word search for your topic of interest, click on the magnifying glass and see what appears on your page.
When you type a word into that white blank in the upper left-hand corner of this blog and then click on the magnifying glass you may instructively surprised.
Searches can be fun and finding what you want is satisfying.
Tell me if you want more search info.
by Richard
It's alive. It's a great biosphere of variety and activity. There is desert, rivers, a great variety of altitudes an climates. There are two oceans and the Amazon, There are people, coffee, and a lot of flowers. People of many nations say that parts of the country side reminds them of their own country.
We can benefit by using herbs to enhance the flavor of fruits, cheeses, and meats. Use herbs to provide new, interesting, and delicious flavors to your food. Herbs add rare and valuable nutrients to your dining. The savor they add can amaze. Below are ways specific herbs have been successfully matched with a given food.
bay chives, cloves, cumin, red pepper, marjoram, savory bay leaves,
mustard, black pepper, red chilies, red pepper, horseradish with fatty
roasts .....
Lamb: garlic, marjoram, oregano, rosemary........
Pork: Coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, savory, thyme.....
Cheese: basil, chervil, curry, dill, fennel, garlic, marjoram, parsley....
Fruit: aníse, cinnamon, coriander, cloves, lemon, verbena, mint, rose geranium, sweet cicely....
~ It is often good to begin with a recipe.
~ Herbs are often potent, they can be costly, Use them sparingly(at first),
~ Experiment with herbs one at a time on yourself before offering your creation to a friend.
~ Make little(or big) slits in roasts and put select herbs in those slits.
~ Buy herbs one at a time and at first try them one at a time.
~ Start with herbs mentioned most often here or elsewhere.
Eating joy and health.
Cossacks have been free men and democratic. They have only been known to history since about 650 AD. They have been active in self-governing communities for well over a thousand years. They have been open, inclusive, with a Slavic bent. They knew a world from Siberia to Lithuania and up and down for many years, but were drawn to a certain land.
The Ukrainian Cossack State was formed in about 1650 in what is now central Ukraine. Their leaders were elected.
Through the years they have been few. Democracy is not easy. They experienced much, and stayed free among strong neighbors such as Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. Among such neighbors they continued to show a strong will for self-governance.
They formed the Ukrainian Peoples Republic in 1917 to 1921, the western Ukrainian Peoples Republic 1918 to 1919, and the Ukrainian Peoples Republic in exile from 1920 to 1992.
They were among the very first members of the Soviet Union with its promise of self-governing citizens. They may have been the first to leave that Union when it showed little will to self-governing citizenship.
They were among the charter members of the United Nations with its promise of a chance for peace and freedom. They have not given up on their fellow members yet.
Ah, yes, I believe that at the breakup of the Soviet Union the were left with one of the greatest stock of atomic weapons on Earth and gave up that stock to the U.N.
They have been few and still are. They are still a mixture of races, nationalities, and religions. They are a free democratic people self selected from that mixture.
We might mention that while all this was going on they, with the help of a few viking Norsemen, created Russia. Oh, and they had a modern republic type written constitution in 1710.
I believe that a history of the cultures most effecting these people could be traced back another 4,000 years. However, before about 650 AD they were little recognized in history as a discrete people. Throughout perhaps a thousand years of their history they stayed freer, more democratic, and inclusive than most. They have had to defend themselves and they have. They have also kept the hope and faith that they could live a free people among free people. They have seen inclusiveness, freedom, and democracy disappear like smoke again and again. Still they hold a vision of that freedom and self governance closer and dearer than do most.
Please feel free to correct this work or add to it in the "comments" section below or just to click on a social media button just below.
Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine.
Thank you for reading.