Sunday, December 26, 2021

Got to Thinking About Chemistry

RCS Posts "science:" Chemicals have effects on us: good, bad, and all in between, depending upon our knowledge and our actions.


                 I know that for many chemistry is not the greatest topic and on top of that all my memories are not great. However we do know that there is a lot of chemistry in our lives and we are usually aware that their effects on us are bad and good and, a lot in between. 

                As I thought of chemistry I remembered how I had mixed "Ingredients" in lots of little bottles I had collected when not much more than a toddler. 

                 Next I thought about my '"experiments" with alcohol when I was about eight. 

                After that I remembered a rather nice chemistry set my parents got for me when I as about eleven.  My younger brothers got deeply into it before I had explored it much. My little brothers ate much of their "experiments." At the time I might have had some hope that those experiments of their might lead to really terrible stomachaches

                Then came to mind a time that I was looking for a classroom in a high-school new to me. In the course of this process I walked into a classroom and saw on the wall a abundantly daunting chart. Next I saw a teacher sitting at a desk and asked him about the chart. He told me it was the periodic tables. I asked, "Of what?"  He said "Chemical elements.  I thanked him and as I walked out I thought, "No chemistry for me." I had forgotten to ask about my class.

                But...chemistry effects all of us and we do have some responsibility for our own well-being. 

                As I glanced through an article on, I guess, the ecology of chemistry, I began to think "toxic," "toxic chemicals." Sorry.

Then the questions began to come:

~ How can I find out about the toxicity of the chemicals in my life? Our lives?
~ Who can help us get the fact straight?
~ What are the chemicals in my life?
~ Who will help us to find out how toxic a given chemical is?
~ Who wants to confuse us about the facts? 
~ What do we want? need? expect? deserve?
~ What symptoms are there? Would on need an antidote?
~ How can we get what we want?
~ How can we find out how a chemical concoction is best used? Is there an effective and less toxic substitute.
~ Is there a chemical which is never toxic?
~ How are we as a people determining sound environmental practices?

                Sometimes when the questions start they just just keep coming.

                I believe that some of the answers are likely to be very important to us. Very important to the US.

                It is OK to reread the questions above.

                My ignorance of chemicals, chemistry, and governance effects chemicals not at all. It does effect me and may effect you. I am willing to be willing to learn and to co-operate.

                                                           by Richard Sheehan

                 All of your  comments are important to me. Constructive ones are supper important.Any comment is great. Comments please. Even comments about my spelling are wonderful.A comment about content is very, very good. If they are negative they are great. I am not a fast learner, but even a negative comment can be a great learning aid. 



Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Method of Undstanding and Way to Knowledge

RCS Posts Science including: phenomena, inference, observation, and method


                Science is the practice of a method of understanding and of communication. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be a great help in self-development and in being a successful human being.

                As you become better acquainted with this method of understanding you become a more effective person. You will also develop a better understanding of the sciences in general and of each individual science, even ytterbiumology.

                The scientific method generally includes the following doings: observation, identification/recognition, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. So, a scientist observes a doing or happening and begins to explain it. The method is much about how she does this. That is, how you do it may be more important than what you do.

                To start well, lets try to define some of our terms. We can begin with the word 'science.' Starting at the beginning we see that science means knowledge, the business of knowing. Just how one knows is a serious subject. A subject we could check into later. Early in its history science became knowledge gained  by study. Science brings its history with it. It still means knowledge and it still means knowledge gained by study. The science quickly came to be the study of particular and specific subjects. In its more modern meaning it has come to mean the technical and mathematical study  of a subject. However the basic method of doing science is both a simpler and more powerful attitude then one might suppose.

                We already know that "method" means "the way how." So, science is a particular way of understanding, a particularly effective way of understanding. It may be useful to remember that the suffix -ology means study. So, anthropology is the study of human species, of humanity in most of its aspects. It has often been a comparative study of behavior, biology, societies. Whereas biology is the natural scientific study of life and of living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. Cells and genes are now important factors in this study.

                It is important that a person interested in science develop a good grasp on the nature of scientific: observation, identification, explanation, knowing, researching,  and theoretical description. Also to develop their ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is helpful to their use of scientific methodology.

                To gain and to communicate scientific knowledge one needs to become familiar with its concepts and vocabulary. As interest is shown, I hope to write more on the topic. I believe that you already have an understanding of the scientific method as a way many have found useful for gaining practical, productive knowledge and of communicating that knowledge.

                You probably already have the understanding that science is well begun and carried out with studied and practiced observation. 

                The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of knowledge. My dictionary says this about "to observe:" to notice, to perceive, to watch attentively, to make a scientific or systematic observation. "Systematic," that implies that there is a system to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is, at least, as the what.

                Observation is the act of observing; that is the act of noting and recording of a phenomena, doing, or happening, perhaps with instruments. Observation might lead to developing a judgement or inference. What are the methods for developing a judgement or an inference!

                "Identify" could be our next term to examine. If you would like me to continue some sort of exposition of science, please leave a comment to that effect in the "comment" window below.

                Identifying a phenomena is, in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize the phenomena yourself and to enable others to also recognize it. There is more to say about the recognize/identify part of of our scientific process,  but I will leave it for another time.

                Oh, yes. Ytterbiumology is beyond my present knowledge; still it can be studied, known, and used. Its a chemical element with the symbol Yb and atomic number of 70. I may not live long enough to get deeply into the study of this element. Perhaps you can tell us more about it.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Health: Tao Internal Execise

RCS Posts, health: An introduction to Taoist internal exercises. Chinese practices from 4,500 BC to today.          


            Certain Taoists have long practiced health and energy related activities which they have called "internal exercises." I have not become a practicant of of the exercises. However, my aunt Virginia introduced me to them long ago an they still interest me. I am now developing an exercise program more suitable to my present age. Although I know that I sometimes tend to to overdevelop a program or practice, I have thought to include some of these ancient Chinese practices in my exercise program.

        There are many kinds of Taoists, some of them laughable. Still many of their practices are built around a very strong core. When something worked, they used it. When it did not, it was discarded.
        Many of the suggestions I may include in future writings have their origins in that which were known by Taoists in about 4500 BC and certainly have roots which are much older. 

        I am willing to try that which has worked well for others to see if it works for me. The notes I am working from right now I jotted down while reading a work by a Chinese doctor by the name of S. T. Chang who worked in the time of the controversial Chinese Empress Chi Shee. 

        In this work I will probably attend much to exercises called Deer, Crane, and Turtle. Developers and practitioners of these believe that there is an inherent and natural process in which  man is important and that a man who follows the rules of earth is more likely to do well than one who does not.

        I plan to write more on this topic. If the topic seems one that may be useful to you you might check out Taoism and the Tao online as you wait for this, sometimes turtle-like write to write more.

by Richard Sheehan

Friday, November 5, 2021

Science: An Introduction

  RCS Posts science: An introduction. Science as a method of communication and for gaining understanding and knowledge.              

                Science is the practice of a method of understanding and of communication. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be a great help in self-development and in being a successful human being.

                As you become better acquainted with this method of understanding you become a more effective person. You will also develop a better understanding of the sciences in general and of each individual science, even ytterbiumology.

                The scientific method generally includes the following doings: observation, identification/recognition, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. So, a scientist observes a doing or happening and begins to explain it. The method is much about how she does this. That is, how you do it may be more important than what you do.

                To start well, lets try to define some of our terms. We can begin with the word 'science.' Starting at the beginning we see that science means knowledge, the business of knowing. Just how one knows is a serious subject. A subject we could check into later. Early in its history science became knowledge gained  by study. Science brings its history with it. It still means knowledge and it still means knowledge gained by study. The science quickly came to be the study of particular and specific subjects. In its more modern meaning it has come to mean the technical and mathematical study  of a subject. However the basic method of doing science is both a simpler and more powerful attitude then one might suppose.

                We already know that "method" means "the way how." So, science is a particular way of understanding, a particularly effective way of understanding. It may be useful to remember that the suffix -ology means study. So anthropology is the study of human species, of humanity in most of its aspects. It has often been a comparative study of behavior, biology, societies. Whereas biology is the natural scientific study of life and of living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. Cells and genes are now important factors in this study.

                It is important that a person interested in science develop a good grasp on the nature of scientific: observation, identification, explanation, knowing, researching,  and theoretical description. Also to develop their ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is helpful to their use of scientific methodology.

                To gain and to communicate scientific knowledge one needs to become familiar with its concepts and vocabulary. As interest is shown, I hope to write more on the topic. I believe that you already have an understanding of the scientific method as a way many have found useful for gaining practical, productive knowledge and of communicating that knowledge.

                You probably already have the understanding that science is well begun and carried out with studied and practiced observation. 

                The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of knowledge. My dictionary says this about "to observe:" to notice, to perceive, to watch attentively, to make a scientific or systematic observation. "Systematic," that implies that there is a system to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is, at least, as the what.

                Observation is the act of observing; that is the act of noting and recording of a phenomena, doing, or happening, perhaps with instruments. Observation might lead to developing a judgement or inference. What are the methods for developing a judgement or an inference!

                "Identify" could be our next term to examine. If you would like me to continue some sort of exposition of science, please leave a comment to that effect in the "comment" window below.

                Identifying a phenomena is, in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize the phenomena yourself and to enable others to also recognize it. There is more to say about the recognize/identify part of of our scientific process,  but I will leave it for another time.

                Oh, yes. Ytterbiumology is beyond my present knowledge; still it can be studied, known, and used. Its a chemical element with the symbol Yb and atomic number of 70. I may not live long enough to get deeply into the study of this element. Perhaps you can tell us more about it.     

                Thank you for reading


Friday, October 29, 2021

Using Herbs

 You can benefit by using herbs and condiments to enhance the flavor of fruits, cheese, and meats.


            Use herbs to provide new, interesting, and delicious flavors to foods. When you find yourself in position to do so, give it a try. Herbs add rare and valuable nutrients to your dining. The savor they ad can amaze. Below are ways herbs have been successfully and tastefully matched with specific foods.

                Experiment with one, or more, of the combinations suggested here:

                Beef: basil leaves, mustard, black pepper, bay leaves, chives, garlic, red chilies, cumin, marjoram, savory. With fatty roasts try horseradish......

                Lamb: garlic, marjoram, oregano, rosemary .......

                Pork: coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, savory, thyme, and cloves with ham....

                Cheese: basil, chervil, curry, dill, fennel, garlic, marjoram.....

Fruit: anise, cinnamon, coriander, cloves, lemon, verbena, mint, rose, geranium, fennel.....

                What have you used successfully with chicken or sea food? Let us know. Click on "comments" below to report.

Suggestions to aid in your use of herbs and condiments:

~ It is good to begin with a recipe.

~ Herbs and spices are often potent and they are not always cheap. Use them sparingly, at  first.

~ Experiment with one herb at a time and on yourself, before offering your creation to a friend.

~ Buy herbs,spices, condiments one at a time and try them one at a time. 

~ Cut little (or big) slits in your roast. Put selected 'herbs' in those to cook.

~ Start with herbs mentioned most often here and elsewhere.


Bon appetit






Friday, October 8, 2021

Health: Acupuncture Now

RCS Posts: Health with acupuncture, cheaper and better and politics.                          



             It the wonderfully effective practice of acupuncture were to become common in the United States, the cost of healthcare there would drop. That is, improved healthcare care could very well become more affordable. People in the US could pay less for improved healthcare and become more able to pay for that care.

                Cheaper and better seems a good deal.

                The profession of anesthesiology could suffer because of the ability of acupuncture, in very many cases, to handle pain more safely, effectively, and with less expense. 

                MDs (medical doctors), anesthesiologists, and many drug manufacturers form a group not interested in supporting the use of acupuncture. They have strong reasons for that lack of support, mostly economical reasons. The AMA (American Medical Association) has shown itself to be not interested in promoting acupuncture. Healthcare users are the ones to be interested in bringing it to their own countries, but have been slow to learn about it; slow to learn because there have been few teachers and little information available.

                With these little essays on acupuncture, I hope to educate myself and others on the topic. For the good effective use of acupuncture we benefit from our understanding and that of professionals in the field.

                With increased use of acupuncture the huge amount of drugs American MDs prescribe would probably be less. Fewer prescriptions could mean less profit for drug manufacturers and a saving for many of us. So, we may add drug manufacturers to the group of those not interested in supporting the use of acupuncture.

                Drug manufacturers have been interested in politics. They have formed and use powerful lobbying organizations in Washington. Drug companies contribute large sums of money to selected kinds of research. They have invested little in acupuncture. It seems safe to say that drug manufacturers are unlikely to support a health system which is not founded on drugs.

                So, an active part of the medical establishment establishment has acrually organized to resist the use of acupuncture in the US.

                For the individual the use of acupuncture could mean significantly lower medical costs and better health. What can the individual do about the use of acupuncture and the better of our health care system? Something, but not much. However, individuals can do all that is necessary. Note the letter "s" i have affixed as the last letter in the word "individuals." Individuals know how to co-operate and can act together effectively. They can even join an organization.

                Greater use of acupuncture leads to significantly lower medical costs and to healthier health care. Acupuncture is a safer way to handle pain than is the use of drugs.

                There is more we can do, and more we can learn. We are many and can co-operate.

                 The French, Russians, and others have encountered resistance to the practice of acupuncture of acupuncture, but have overcome much of it and are learning more of the practice and have been benefiting from it since about 1960. Even the Chinese have experienced some resistance related to the social changes there in recent decades. However, now the Chinese are now benefiting nicely from their use of acupuncture. Their excellent training has been renewed and continued research supported. There is wide active co-operation practitioners of acupuncture and the practice of western style medicine in use in China. Nearly all of china is now benefiting from better healthcare and more affordable costs from that co-operation.

                In the United States about 20% of the costs to individuals for many procedures to to the anesthesiologist and his monitoring equipment. Monitoring is important, but can be excellent at lower costs. As we learn more about acupuncture, its safety, the way it can shorten hospital stays, and its chances for reducing insurance fees, the more interesting it looks.

                It seems to me that we have much to gain from the practice of and further research in our use of acupuncture and that we are not doing enough to avail ourselves of important benefits.

                I have said that acupuncture reduces and stops much pain in ways safer than those now common to us. When we look into the wonderful ways it can supplement our present healthcare by successfully treating and healing many ailments in ways our present system has had little success, it seems to be an area of healthcare we must explore.

                You can begin to do something now. You can co-operate, team-up, partner-up. You can check around for good information about acupuncture near you. You can begin to separate the nonsense from good sense available online. You can share with family and friends the information you have and about where you lack information. You can ask people, that you know are interested in health, about where you can get more information.

                 You could look around to see if there is a practitioner near you with a good reputation. You might speak with that professional and ask him about his training and what he can do for you and yours. Or you may even be able to discover an organization interest in acupuncture which you can access. You could ask them what they are doing and think over their answers. You could check-out my other posts on acupuncture.              

               There may not be much you can do on your own and you really don't have to do anything. Still I believe that you can find that which you can do. We can learn a lot. We can help others around us just by raising our own awareness of the practice of acupuncture. 

                If you find anything to report to us here, click on "comments" just below.

                Thanks for reading.     















Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Wage Slave Scientist

RCS Posts: A glimpse of the job of a scientist not including the doing of science.


                We tend to think of a scientist as one of our more creative individuals. We seldom think of a scientist as anything like a wage slave. However, the fact is he usually has to work for someone. She often has a boss. She may be fired.  

            The institution the scientist works for can be a problem for him or her.

For example:

~ The institution can have values that do not coincide with those of the scientist. A scientist may dislike certain tools or methods of an employer.
He may not like certain ways in which his employer communicates. The culture of the employer help do her work, but may also tend to limit his thinking and productivity.

~ In addition to her salary a scientist may receive funding those whose main interests are very different from hers. Her interest may well be her branch of science and perhaps in interesting new paradigms. There main interest at a given time might be profit and control of ideas. Money can help, but it may also work to limit thinking and creativity.

~  Really big ideas may be fenced in, or out, by really big institutions. The scientist may learn to stay safely on the rails of an old science and to void the danger of trying to understand new ideas or taking on promising new work.

It is not always easy to keep a mind free. One may even begin to lose heart.

May your heart be strong.

You can check out online a researcher and author by the name of Khun for a greater understanding  of our topic here.

by Richard  Sheehan


Truman Capote, Writer

 RCS Posts books and literature: Portraits and Observations by Truman Capote        


            A recent reading of Portraits and Observations reminds me that Mr. Capote was a fine craftsman and a pleasure to read today. He seemed to love New Orleans and New York. His feelings for our West Coast and our Southwest was not love. Some might call him a regionalist. His observations of Europe are congenial. He does not make a secret of his likes and dislikes.

            His observations of persons have a journalistic feel and he still revels himself in them.

             He wrote so well that I suspect that one or two very good contemporary writers became envious.     

            Truman Capote is, I believe, a pen name. He was born in 1924 and died in 1984. His childhood, I believe, was unusual, uneasy, and interesting.


            I missed his first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms published in 1948. I remember talk of and the film of Breakfast at Tiffany's and his his nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood.

            Reading Portraits and Observations may be a good way for you to get to know his work and a bit about him. The Modern Library paperback edition in front of me mentions all, I believe, of his published works. It also devotes a page and half of biographical information about thi excellent author.

            Capote met famous persons and tells of some of their doings and ways in a way beyond charming.

            He seems not to have been very "political," but he was a journalist with a deep feeling for fairness. Among his essays is a piece on another great American writer. Ezra Pound, of Idaho. Capote leads me to believe that Pound had the misfortune of having his love of history lead him to an interest in economics. It seems that speaking of some individual's source of money or wealth makes them very nervous. Americans seem not to be excepted. The American "people" accused him of treason an convicted Pound of insanity. I am not really well informed on that history. If you know some of it, please use the "comments" section below to inform us a bit.

            Just now that history sounds much like the worst that has come from Russia. Pound was incarcerated in Washington DC for over a decade and then declared incurably insane and released as not being a danger to himself or anyone else. I intend to take care of what I say about U.S. economics.

             Capote has written of himself that he is not attracted to people who care more for their pets than for their friends. First friends and then cities seem to be among his top loves. In cities, he says, that one can be pleased to be among different people with  different sets of friends with none of them overlapping. My experience has been similar.

            Talking of friends Capote intimates that intelligence and attention is important and says, "I pay attention to my friends, am concerned about them and expect them to to do the same in return."

            He says that he has always liked to read and enjoys and admires writers such as Flannery, O'Connor, Norman Mailer, William Styron, Eudora Welty, Katherine Ann Porter, and others, but that in his later life he has enjoyed reading the better of what he has already read: Proust, Flaubert, Jane Austen, Raymond Chandler, and Dickens.

            He liked driving off and considered it therapy. He found betrayal of affections traumatic. As a politician he like Adlai Stevenson. (Stevenson was the first politician for whom I felt some admiration!) Mrs. Roosevelt liked him too. Capote knew and liked conversation and dialogue.

            Seems a lot like a regular person, and a super writer.



Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Science: First Words On

RCS Posts: A method of understanding five powerful actions, science is a way to knowledge.        


        Science is a way one may use to better everyday life. Science is a doing. It is a method of understanding. It is the practice of a method to understand and to communicate that understanding. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be an aid to one's personal self-development. 

            As you become more acquainted with this method of understanding you will become a more understanding person. You will also come to have a better understanding of science than do most people on earth. You will also have begun a better understanding of any of the sciences even ytterbiumology!

            The scientific method includes the following 5 powerful actions: 

~ observation

~ identification

~ description

~ experimentation

~ explanation.

               These are four actions one may take to know. They are what one can do. This "what" is important but "how" may be more important. I will say a bit about this "how" right here. Observation may be the careful watching of a process, doing, or happening you have good reason to believe is real. Identification is being familiar enough with what you have observed to be able to recognize it again. A description enables you to tell another how to recognize the phenomenon and to help you to recognize it again later. Experimentation is a way to further investigate that which you have observed. Explanation is a theoretical explaining of what you are coming to understand from your observation of the phenomena you have identified.

            Just taking the above steps and so becoming more aware of your observations has empowered you. So, we might say, a scientist carefully observes and begins an explanation of her observations. The method, is how she does this. That is, it is done carefully and systematically. The scientist can tell another the system and theoretically that other should be able to duplicate the original observations and experimentation and get similar results. The quality of what is done is important, How well you observe is important. How you do it is as important as what you do.

           To understand a subject it is good to clarify the words used to describe it. Let me begin to begin to define some our terms here. The word "science" seems a good place to start. Simply, science means knowledge, the business of coming to know. Just how one knows is a serious business. Science became knowledge gathered by study and still contains that meaning. Study is a name for careful observation and interpretation within a specified field. That now often includes study of the work of others, Now science has come to include the technical and mathematical study of a subject. We will not go as far as the uses of math or the techniques if a specific science. However, the basic methods of doing science both simpler and more powerful than one might suppose. Some come to see it as an attitude.

            "Method" refers to the way an act is accomplished, how it is done. So, science is a way to understand. A particular science is a way to understanding in a particular field. Anthropology is a particular science. "Anthro- refers to humanity and -ology refers to study. So anthropology is the study of humanity. It is often about the comparative study of societies. Study is an important part of the life of most scientists. They want to know about what others in their field have learned.

                In doing their science they usually begin with observation and identification; then on to describe and investigate. Experimentation in this field has not been easy, but anthropologist are finding ways of testing their observations. Their explaining of the phenomena of their field has proven interesting and useful. They have their own way of doing their work, but they also use the basic steps of the method we are learning about (I learn as I write.).

    `        "Biology" names another science. Its about life. It is the natural scientific study of life and living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. So nicely developed that some of its practitioners some times seem to forget that its development is dependent on the method we are looking at. Cells and genes are important aspects of this science. Understanding them begins with observation and identification and then on to explain their finds to their fellows and humanity. Biologists use the scientific method.

            You have seen that it can important that a person interested in science to have a good grasp on the nature of the scientific method. Knowledge of that method can be a great aid to one interested in knowledge. The following vocabulary points to activities useful to one who would know: observation, identification, recognition, explanation, probability, knowing, understanding, researching, theoretical description. Also, to remember that an ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is a great aid to understanding and is part of scientific methodology. If you are interested in math you may find that solid geometry may prove an interesting way to keep your science real and less difficult to communicate.

            I believe that you have an understanding of the heart of the scientific method as a way many have found useful for gaining practical, productive knowledge.

            The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of understanding. Often it is carried with the use of technical instrumentation, but that need not be the case. My dictionary has this to say about "to observe:" to watch attentively, to notice, to make a systematic or scientific observation. I have heard that good observation may be like seeing with a new pair of glasses. "Systematic" implies that there may be a system or systems to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is as important as the what of it. I have heard that is not so much about what you but rather how you do it.

            So observation includes the acts of looking, seeing, noting, and recording of  phenomena. All this done as a step toward communicating your work to another. Your observation might be better done with instrumentation, but this is often not a necessity. 

            Observation may lead to developing an a judgement or inference. Wow! We may have stuff (good important stuff) to learn about the development of a judgement or an inference. If you can tell us anything about judgement or inference as relates to science please use the "comments" section below. You may have to click on "no comments!"

             There is more to learn about the way science is done.  However this seems about enough for now. I'll end by saying a bit about identification. Identifying a phenomenon, is in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize it yourself in the future and to an enable others to find it, and to recognize it.

            Oh, ytterbiumology, it is beyond my present knowledge. Still it may be studied and know well enough to make us some cash. It seems that ytterbium is a real element known to many chemists and physicists. It has the symbol of Yb and the atomic number of 70. I am willing to be taught.



Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Plow: There is more to say about plowing

RCS Posts agriculture: Its about the plow. Give it up?  Just what is plowing? Its done wonders for millennia.          


             The plow has been a symbol of agriculture. It has been  the most important tool of of agriculture. It has seemed that farming and plowing go together like horse an carriage. Plowing has seemed a good idea.
     However, many are now certain that is not a good an idea as often as we have thought.
        The cutting into the soil and the subsequent turning of soil in plowing often liberates large amounts of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. That has lead to a profound change in our ecology.  We now speak of our world's co2 burden.
        The soil is a naturally highly a highly structured environment. It is now believed that it holds or has held a majority of the Earth's biodiversity. That diversity and that structure has supported all plant life and all dependent on that life for eons. Now most forest has been open to the plow and even more of the Earth's prairie has be disrupted by the plow. And worse, plowed earth is still too often is left without cover.
        Plowing changes the chemical composition of soil and air! We have successfully sought to re-order and re-formulate the structure of soil. Good for us, but when is that a good practice and when is it not. It looks like we need to re-formulate our ideas of good agricultural practices. We have learned a great deal about good usage of soil, but have given industrial farmers little motive to adopt them.
        There are are economically useful ways to have more fruitful soil. Some of those ways may include preserving cover and plowing less.
        We have long spoken of letting certain land rest or lie fallow and we have often acted on our words. We are now beginning to understand that we can profit by letting certain lands be natural. We now also know that it is possible to reclaim much desert land for planting, grazing, or as an aid for our atmosphere without taking water from anyone.
        We still have a very great deal to learn and understand about biodiversity. Many of us now have begun to see that it not only supports the quality of our lives, but also our very lives.
        We need and want good food and I believe we deserve it, as do our children and youth, their children and grand children. We have actions to take to get that which we deserve and need.
        We have a lot to learn, much to think about and more to do. There are great doings which are doable right now.
        Some are already thinking about the quality of our soil, our methods, and our survival. They need a hand. They need understanding help from many of us. Its good that there are so many of us, because with many, no one person need be overburdened.
            There are places on Earth where lands have bee let be. From those places a few of us have learned much and they are willing to share as are many others. However, few such lands are protected and all seem to be endangered. You can learn why they are worth protecting and moral ways of protecting them.
            Geneticists are please with the natural diversity of certain forests and wish for more nearly natural Prairie.
            I believe that I have already written here that letting land be is far from enough. Some desert land needs to be changed and maintained so that it retains more of the little rain it receives, so that it can maintain controlled grazing or support certain crops. There much to be done and now is the time to begin, but not halter skelter.
                Some farmers in France and China and all around the world, to their  benefit and ours, let some of their land rest and regenerate while still being productive. In France, a field may be helped to become a pond for fish, ducks, and frogs. In a very few years it may again become a fresh fertile field. We may make it more profitable for farmers to make their land more productive. Changes can be costly You may find people who will help you to help you to help farmers in the best way possible at this time.
            We Can find easy ways to support those among us willing to find profitable methods managing land which improve the land and the quality of of food produced on it.
            Some have already found profitable and sustainable alternatives to plowing.
            There is not to much to learn, but there is plenty to learn and than learning needs to be sustained. You can begin to find out today why so many believe that it is important and possible to help limit the quantity of co2 in our air; so important that people are being paid to do so. The value of biodiversity can be learned by you. Many already know a lot about it. Some have told me that there was a time when better tasting oranges, apples, and tomatoes viable. Others tell me of a plague killing cherry trees and of one variety resisting that plague. It looks beautiful and tastes great, but there is a lot more to learn from those stories.
             we all need to learn a bit, but there are some individuals who want to learn a lot about managing crops for change, quality, and and benefit for all. We can help them a bit.
        This is not my field, but I believe that it is an important one. You can comment in the "comments" section below and I can try to respond.


Monday, June 28, 2021

Let Days Be Full of Joy

RCS Posts: Life, joy, and love.

            Enjoy life well. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Let more music and dance into your life. Bathe and wear fresh clothes. Help the children and embrace the women.  We die; shall we not live? 
            Embrace her and kiss her. Avoid drunkenness. Avoid lies. Take responsibility for your life. Choose as well as you can. 

            Let knowledge of your resources come to you. Be open to knowledge of yourself. Move temperately. Let knowledge of a higher quality of life come to you. 

            Allow yourself to serve another with appropriate dignity, honor, respect, and love. Cooperate with the natural order and the way of things. 

            Love the people around you. Enjoy nurturing yourself and your world. Do a bit more of what comes naturally. Enjoy nurturing and allowing yourself to be nurtured. Enjoy it exactly as it is.

            Love reality. Let days be full of joy.

I may read this again myself. 


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Taoistic Writings

RCS Posts Esoteric to Exoteric: Taoistic Sayings


            I find something attractive about a philosopher who laughs with me. I have enjoyed the humor of Taoist writers. I find much of their writing witty and accessible. Much is also usable and wise. 

Their use of the following phrases has moved my thinking and perceiving in useful ways:
+ Accept the reality of the available freedom.
+ Easy does it.
+ Attend to your energy reserve,
+ No regrets.
+ Set your burden down and enjoy the water.
+ The door is not locked.
+ Peacefully rejoice in reality.
+ Know the joyful security of wandering whe there is no path.
+ Enjoy your wit and romantic adventures.
+ Is it really so?
+ Great knowledge and long life.
+ How do you know that it is so?
+ Be little moved by praise and blame.
+ Discriminate.
+ Be clear about the nature of honor and disgrace.
+ Small self, little vanity.
+ Know the rule without ruling.
+ Know you.
+ Be willing to know the quality of your perception.
+ Let go of the clutter and the trivia.
+ Nothing is useless.
+ All is useful.
+ As you smell the roses, hear the music.
+ As you speak, be aware of how little you know.
+ Nothing depends on your point of view. 
+ Your opinion is changing this instant.
+ Let them be.
+ How can we understand it all in one day?
+ Clarify your understanding today.
+ Embrace reality.

            When you want some humor, wit, and laughter, read some of their writings.

            I guess I could have published this to my Esoteric to Exoteric blog.


