Friday, February 3, 2023

You keep Better Balance, Build Some Strength, and Avoid Falls.

                    When the physical exercises which you have done much of your life seem to be getting too difficult or just harder than ever, avoid cutting back on your physical activity. Do think about changing it. Consider making it more appropriate for the you of today.
                    Keep careful and keep safe, and keep active.
                    Keeping physically active is not an cure for aging, but it is much more helpful than spending more time sitting on your butt. Physical activity can change your life for the better. However, it can be not so much what you do and more about the way you do it.
                    I was slow to make appropriate changes and have done what is proving to be permanent damage to many body parts such as to my right shoulder and both knees much of  damage was do to falls. I am 84 now and have serious balance problems. I start some balance exercise  at as early as 70 years of age, but when I found that they became too difficult for me I gave up for a time and then started some of the same ones again and, of course, they were still too hard for me, so I did them less often with less positive feeling.
                    I am often a slow learner, but I can also be persistent. Relearning is useful. I believe make our activities appropriate, safe, and life enhancing. This vide0 displays some moves that we can adopt or adapt and adopt. It may move one's imagination enough to move us to be successfully and appropriately active in carrying out some effective new moves.
                    It shows simple new ways to do something like leg lifts in a safe way and with good posture which increases strength and preserve balance and, yes, improve balance. The guys in the video, health pros, gives us a variety of leg lifts, which keep us moving without with active interes. Good old YouTube!
                    Try a few of the moves. Come back to the video for an inspirational review of what you can do.

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