Friday, June 16, 2023

The word is "learn"

 A True Vocabulary Is Good For You

                    Learning carries our culture into the future. We are humans, you are too. Learning is a good way for humans to support their own survival, yours too. Teachers are important and we are often our own best teachers. We learn from observed experience, our own and that of others. Pay attention to yourself and you can see that learning happening. We tell each other that experience is the best teacher, but often forget that experience must be observed for that learning to occur.

                        We learn from an experience of ours when we attend to it, reflect upon it. Observation is also a good word to be more aware of. Does it not seem that "to observe" is very similar to "to attend to."  I hope that is not one to, too many.

                        Our own learning can lead us to a life which is more meaningful, understandable, and understood too.

                    So, "learn" has much to do with gaining experience by paying attention. Keeping one's mind open to reality helps. One can track or follow a trace to gain experience. And it is fair to gain experience from another. Much of the the experience of others is in our history and culture. Important bits of culture and learning can come from family a friends and is best when checked against our own experience and understanding. 

                        "Learning" is related to "knowledge" and "lore."

                        A dictionary can correctly tell you that to learn is to gain knowledge and understanding by study, instruction, and experience. Study includes analysis, interpretation, and experience.

                        "To Ascertain" and "to find out" are very similar to "to learn" in meaning.               

                        A nice short definition for "learn'' is to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery, through study and experience. We can learn much about a man by following his tracks. We can learn much about ourselves by retracing our own tracks.

                        Many of us have learned that we have too often learned incorrectly; too often learned to believed was so, was not so. We may have learned from lies. We may have learned from distorted or faulty observations. We have learned that unlearning was often more difficult than earning. Our analysis of our own past learning may be very important. We have learned that important parts o f our past learning needs to be reinterpreted in the light of new information. We finally learned that such reinterpretation was an ongoing activity.

                        Memorizing can be an important part of learning, but understanding is the better part.

                        One ma become erudite through observation and reflection. That's learning. Reflection is like looking it over again and rethinkinking it. That is learning. Learning can be the acquisition of wisdom when we continue to analyze our observations. To be called learned (two syllables) has been considered an nice compliment, to be called understanding can be a better one.

                        Taking a good look at that which you can really do and that which you really know can be a useful learning experience. Paying attention to your observations can too.



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