Thursday, August 10, 2023

Considerations for Parents

 Each mother and father may find it good to let each daughter and son expect:

~ to be fearless in facing things like snakes, mice, and ghosts.

~ each disobedience to lead to an appropriate punishment. The punishment ought to fit each parent and child. For one such pair a frown might suffice.

~ remorse of conscience for ill-treatment of an animal.

~ to avoid making parents or teachers sad or angry.

~ Joy in being content with what one has.

~ to feel sorry at the loss of the good will of another.

~ to patiently endure pain and hunger, but nor onto death.

~ to strive from early on to earn one's bread.

                It is okay for a son or daughter to consider the eight expectations above.

                Short and, I hope, sweet enough.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Limits of Our Responsibility

We can learn and adapt. We can govern ourselves. We have even begun to understand rules and laws of Earth and beyond. But our control over the movement of and changes of the Universe, the Solar system, and our very Earth. We have begun to gather evidence of happenings of perhaps 5 million years ago, but our interpretations of it sometimes seem like silly guesses.

                Scientists have been helpful. They have learned that is difficult for humans to understand everything at once. They also find that we can learn a lot from samples of reality. They have also learned that we have a lot to learn about the quality of  samples. They have also learned that we are capable of many slip-ups in our interpretation of the information we gain from our samples.

                Even so we have the ability to learn and do have the will to learn correctly, truly, and even approach reality. Knowledgeable scientific interpretation of high quality is becoming available and we can learn to judge it, but it does take learning. Learning form which we may benefit. 

                We have learn that some happenings are cyclical in nature. Not perfectly so, but recognizably so.

                We have learned that we are sensitive and are beginning to learn just how sensitive trees are.

                We are learning that we have a lot responsibility. We know that our responsibilities are not infinite, but seem to have plenty to learn about the limits of our responsibility.


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Recycling Benefits

What recycling is and a how to do it outline.


Friday, July 28, 2023

The Word Is "experience":

Definitions can point to meaning and lead to understanding 

                Synonyms for the earliest usage "experience" include: attempt, trial, try, and test. It looks like each of these synonyms is about the purposeful action of a learner. Each seems to be about a person initiating a process. The action continues with an intention in mine.

                    Each of these early synonyms may be seen as a name for the type of process initiated. An attempt an intention to try something tempting. A trial could begin with the intention to try try something that might test the limits of one's ability or capacity. A try could be an intent to separate or sift some ideas, materials, or abilities to better understand that particular set of things, capacities, or ideas. A test could be the intent to simplify or purify something to better understand it.

                    So a happening isn't much of an experience unless we are paying attention to it and giving it some thought.

                    From its beginnings "experience" has been about learning, about finding out for oneself, checking it out, about awareness with hope of understanding.

                    My red dictionary first defines "experience" as apprehension or perception of an object, thought, emotion, or event through the senses or the mind. So a happening in our life may not be an experience until we have identified it and thought about it. The definition that I am looking at now says that the way to experience is through the mind or through the senses. I find that interesting. Mor directly it says that apprehension and perception are through the senses or the mind. I wonder how one might perceive or apprehend without the mind.

                    The compilers of my red dictionary believed that we can experience in our minds without concurrent uses of our senses. That seems right. But could not experience be sensual without conscious awareness. Could our body possible learn from an experience that did not reach the conscious mind? Sometimes it is difficult to draw an exact line between doings or happenings.

                    We have a lot to learn about the mind. We can learn more of value about learning. We may be called on to relearn where to buy good ice-cream. 

                    The same red dictionary also calls experience, active participation in events or activities leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill. That sounds right to me. I do notice that wisdom is not mentioned. I suspect that our awareness must be engaged during "the active participation" mentioned.

                    My blue dictionary calls experience "the usually conscious perception or apprehension of reality of an external, a bodily, or psychic event." Reality seems to be important here. I may have to check the definitions of "perception" and "apprehension" to see if they are mutually exclusive. A psychic event is a mental happening. It is beginning to look as though experience is really a big deal.

                    Experience may be necessary to learning and not just helpful! It also seems that we can get some experience just by thinking! There seems to be a difference between an experience and a learning event, but I am not very sure of the nature of that diference. I seem to remember hearing someone say that "learning entails movement and experience entails action," but that does not help me. Could an experience and a learning event be the same happening? Could any learning event be an experience? Doesn't it appear that an experience, or a learning event can both include one's thought and that perhaps it must?

                    Can perception and apprehension get us from sensing to approaching reality? Could they also lead us astray? Luckily we can compare one experience with other experiences.

                    My Dictionaries and the internet all refer to perception and apprehension in  their definitions of experience. In psychology, education and elsewhere there are books devoted to each of these terms. It sometimes seems difficult to keep things simple. Let me try for a simple understanding that retains much of its power. We might call both perception and apprehension both ''a taking a hold of an event" or as "taking a snapshot of a process." This makes both terms the noting and registering of a sight, sound or other sensing How about as describing the progression of a process? I give up the idea of simplicity for now, but I have been giving these two words and their relationship some consideration. It would be nice to say I have seen the reality, the whole reality, and nothing but the reality. 

                    I do suspect that you now have a better understanding of  "experience" than you may believe.

                    My blue dictionary also simply calls "experience" "direct participation in events." The quality of that participation including your awareness of seems important.

                    A synonym for "apprehend" is "understand." As that is true, it is also true that to truly experience we need an understanding of that which is going on or has happened. So, to experience, and hopefully to really learn, we need to consciously in the doing and happening, note some of the sequence or order of action, and to remember some of that order or sequence related to that event or sequence of events. We probably ought to have the intent to discover pattern, order, and sequence.

                    We are better able to approach truth and reality with our mind than with our eyes. When you get dizzy consider relaxing for a while. 

                    We may say that we are experiencing while we are acting on our intention to actively and consciously participate in a happening or doing and allowing ourselves to understand that which is occurring. Experience be a beginning to learning and a way to meaning and knowledge. We may also say that our understanding is growing as we observe similar patterns in similar events.

                    Our experience can be our powerful teacher. It is an activity we best do in active awareness. It can be a process which we consciously carry out. We participate in the action and note its pattern or order.

                    Oh! Its fair to learn from the experience of another. In doing so you may be helped by your realistic imagination.

                    Observation, and its quality, is a powerful aid to the quality of your experience. Good philosophers and scientists tell us that observation is an important part of the participation needed in gaining powerful experience.

                    We can learn to be appropriately relaxed in our experiencing. There are degrees of participation, degrees of awareness, degrees of understanding and we do not always benefit from being fully engaged. A relaxed experience can be a very good one. 

                    Experiencing is a process. We can get some useful understanding  by standing under the bull. We might learn more of bovine sex from our observation of a field of cattle. Still we can learn while standing under the bull. And if it is a cow we stand under, that's no bull. Even so such standing may be more like taking a snapshot than it is like filming a process. Observing the process is often the more useful experience.

                    Observation is an excellent first step, but often the better part of an experience takes place in our mind. We benefit much by thinking over that which we have observed. We can reach out with our senses and our mobility, but our grasp on learning, understanding, and knowing is mental, psychic. Think it over can move us closer to the power of reality.

                    Has reading this been an experience? 

                    Thank you for reading and congratulations!       



Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to Take Quality Notes

How to give those quality notes more value:

            Watch this video, listen, and briefly note that which you understand. Flesh out your notes before the day is over.


Friday, July 21, 2023


 Governance with RCS comments app has been taken

                    Use the "comments" app at RCS Posts   to make comments relevant to Government With RCS. I such comments at RCS Posts, mention Governance With RCS as well as the particular post you are commenting on.

                I am sorry about the inconvenience, but we can still keep in contact!

                Thank you for checking this out!


Monday, July 17, 2023

The Word Is "knowledge"

 There is know in knowledge

                It seems likely that there is knowledge in know. "Know" is of the same family as is as "can" and ''ken;' and from its latin form we get ''cognition'' and "note." It has similar forms in most Indo-European languages. Wonder of wonders!

                    "Cognizance" has been a common synonym for "knowledge."

                    The condition of knowing through familiarity gained by experience is a useful definition of knowledge; as is the understanding of a science, an art, or technique.

                    Other meanings include: the range of one's understanding or information; awareness of certain doings, happenings; or processes; apprehending truth or fact; and the condition of having information or being learned.

                    Your knowledge is the stuff that you know. It can be specific information.

                    When one is knowledgeable, one may be said to be erudite.

                    An old time usage was "sexual intrcoures or comunion."


                    "Wisdom" is much like "knowledge," but may imply a deeper or higher understanding than does knowledge. Knowledge can be imparted, but wisdom most often cannot.

                    The core meaning of knowledge is ''that which is known,'' which may refer to only that with which one is acquainted, while wisdom includes examinde experience which implies more understanding.

                    So, for example, one can gain a lot of useful information and knowledge from university and one's friends, while wisdom comes from reconsidered learning or experience.

                Now you have two for one! Now you have both knowledge and wisdom. That's two for the price of one.

                    Thank you for the visit.


Saturday, July 8, 2023

Powerful Doings at Our Fingertips.

Understandings of very useful doings are available to us. Lots of research and communication are yet to be done. It seems likely that we can be able do that which our forbearers have done. Archaeologist and Physicists are pointing the way and much is available in our history. 

                We are becoming more aware of how we are able to manipulate states of matter and to use a sort of antigravity to move objects from place to place. We have a lot to learn and have the ability to do so. To use our abilities we need to practice more co-operation and more organized co-operation. We need more of use co-operating to safely use our new abilities.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Humans Are Suddenly being Born Genderless!?!

Public Health Danger to Humanity

Are their endocrine disruptors so so interfering with human hormones that our female children are being born less female and our male children are less male? There is considerable evidence that pesticides can have that effect. There is little doubt that sperm count has dropped continually for some time.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Cliffy (An occasional movie)

Watch it free. Film from Throwback TV. I find it a good movie.  

Friday, June 16, 2023

The word is "learn"

 A True Vocabulary Is Good For You

                    Learning carries our culture into the future. We are humans, you are too. Learning is a good way for humans to support their own survival, yours too. Teachers are important and we are often our own best teachers. We learn from observed experience, our own and that of others. Pay attention to yourself and you can see that learning happening. We tell each other that experience is the best teacher, but often forget that experience must be observed for that learning to occur.

                        We learn from an experience of ours when we attend to it, reflect upon it. Observation is also a good word to be more aware of. Does it not seem that "to observe" is very similar to "to attend to."  I hope that is not one to, too many.

                        Our own learning can lead us to a life which is more meaningful, understandable, and understood too.

                    So, "learn" has much to do with gaining experience by paying attention. Keeping one's mind open to reality helps. One can track or follow a trace to gain experience. And it is fair to gain experience from another. Much of the the experience of others is in our history and culture. Important bits of culture and learning can come from family a friends and is best when checked against our own experience and understanding. 

                        "Learning" is related to "knowledge" and "lore."

                        A dictionary can correctly tell you that to learn is to gain knowledge and understanding by study, instruction, and experience. Study includes analysis, interpretation, and experience.

                        "To Ascertain" and "to find out" are very similar to "to learn" in meaning.               

                        A nice short definition for "learn'' is to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery, through study and experience. We can learn much about a man by following his tracks. We can learn much about ourselves by retracing our own tracks.

                        Many of us have learned that we have too often learned incorrectly; too often learned to believed was so, was not so. We may have learned from lies. We may have learned from distorted or faulty observations. We have learned that unlearning was often more difficult than earning. Our analysis of our own past learning may be very important. We have learned that important parts o f our past learning needs to be reinterpreted in the light of new information. We finally learned that such reinterpretation was an ongoing activity.

                        Memorizing can be an important part of learning, but understanding is the better part.

                        One ma become erudite through observation and reflection. That's learning. Reflection is like looking it over again and rethinkinking it. That is learning. Learning can be the acquisition of wisdom when we continue to analyze our observations. To be called learned (two syllables) has been considered an nice compliment, to be called understanding can be a better one.

                        Taking a good look at that which you can really do and that which you really know can be a useful learning experience. Paying attention to your observations can too.



Monday, June 12, 2023

We Have a Lot to Learn

Earth Water

                There is a lot that we can learn about taking care  of ourselves. A first step of our learning as a we is the politics of co-operation. A close second step is understanding the nature of our home. When we keep our senses and our minds open our learning seems automatic and effortless. So, we do not have to encourage ourselves to learn anything. However, co-operating with our learning process has paid large dividends. Another important learning is a better understanding of the words we use in communicating with one another and in our personal thoughts. This piece is about how our understanding of our home develops.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Baltic Wonderland

Bordering the Baltic Sea

Beautiful photography, wonderful wildlife of a habitat not well known. It's between Finland and Sweden. A trip there can take you into some good fishing and out of the heat.                                                                                  rcs

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Most Homes Have Running Water

We have efficient mini-generators of electricity available cheaply and of great variety.

 Where I am there is a super abundance of rain water falling on our roofs. It could be used to generate electricity without even collecting it. To be practical such electricity would probably need to be stored in batteries. Put your knowledge and imagination to work. There are small generators which can be installed in household piping.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Carrington Event: Earth's Electronic Apocalypse

                We have concerns other than the other political party or religion, or even the state of the neighbor's lawn. Solar storms can and have disturbed more than our electronics. We can adapt appropriately when we so will.


Friday, May 26, 2023

A History of Realizations: An Introduction

Man before the end of the "last Ice Age," during that Ice Age, before Ice Age, and before that. How many cycles of civilization may we learn of? 

We are learning a great deal right now. This can be added to your learning and can put you on the trail to much more. We can begin to better understand evidence and appreciate our own best good sense.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

A Very Brief History of CO2 on Earth

Not too hot and not too cool, control that CO2

 Adding co2, carbon dioxide, into our atmosphere could save us from a devastating Ice Age.  Adding too much could cook our goose    and not in a good way. We need a nice balance. We already have some power to keep that balance nice.


Sunday, May 7, 2023



                    It looks to me that the more we use acupuncture the better our health and the lower the medical costs for the individual. Of course just like in our use of our principle health system we must use our knowledge and good sense. It sure seems that acupuncture leads to healthier healthcare. For example, it is a safer, more effective and most often a less expensive way to handle pain than are drugs.

Learn More:
                    We can learn more about acupuncture. We can benefit by doing so. Helping one another to learn about it can make the learning easier and probably more effective. There are plenty of us. Let's do it together. The more the merrier

Using Acupuncture

                    In the U.S. there is little co-operation for the use of acupuncture and much resistance from a few and professionals. The French, Russians, Chinese, and others have experienced the use of acupuncture from time to time. However, they are all. Now they are all benefiting from its use. So are many other Asians and Europeans. For a time the communist autocracy of China resisted the use of acupuncture. One reason for their resistance was that the the training of an acupuncturist took longer than that of a typical physician.  Now, in modern China, western style doctors and traditional Chinese doctors, including those practicing acupuncture, are co-operating so that the Chinese people are getting better healthcare at more affordable prices. 


                    In the U.S., about 20% of the costs to an individual for a significant number of procedures go to the anesthesiologist for his work and the use of his lifesaving equipment. As we learn more About acupuncture, the safety of acupuncture, the way it shortens hospital stays, and its chances for lowering insurance rates, the more interesting it gets.

Stops Pain

                    Acupuncture simply stops the pain of surgery in ways much safer than are the ways common among us. That is it provides more effective pain control, with more safety at less cost. Interest is sustained as we look into the effective ways it can supplement our present healthcare by successfully treating and healing in situations in which our present system is less successful.

You Can

                    You can start learning about acupuncture and its uses in your country.
You can talk with a doctor about it. You can do some careful research online. You can ask me to write more about it. There are books about acupuncture which you can find. You can talk with family and friends about that which they have heard or experienced. Could you find a well trained expert. You might find an organization interested in it and learn more about them. Sharing information can be powerful. Tell us, in the "comments" section below, of that which you have find.

                    Thankyou again for reading.


Begin Your Quest Now

Find that which truly interests you.

Begin that search right here.

                    Right here on RCS Posts blog there are 20 posts. One of them could spark your interest. Check them out. Use one of the available search apps or just scroll around. Note that which interests and that which does not and learn something of the you of today. I suggest taking a full 10 minutes to do so. Take a minute or so to enjoy.


                    Here you can find about 20 blogs with a variety of topics. Some those blogs have more than 100 essays and videos. Right here on RCS Posts you can view a list of about of about a fourth of those 20 associated blogs and click once on any one them to go directly to the blog you have chosen. There, at the new blog, you can use the search apps there to search your interests or you can scroll. There is no pornography and little sex. Check the "Label" list for your interests. Check out that which seems most interesting and go on to the next of the twenty associated blog here.

Your Search

                If the search here seems fruitless try Google search. If you find nothing really interesting there, go within and recheck your own inner interests and reconsider that which you have been learning of yourself recently.

                However, I bet that with 10 minutes of search here, you will find a post which interests you significantly more than others. I also believe that in that 10 minutes you can find a valuable bit of information about yourself.

                Thank you for reading. You can begin that 10 minute search right now.


Friday, May 5, 2023

We Have Much to Learn About the Sun

We have much to learn how the sun effects of the sun on Earth's environment and our life. We probably once saved many of us by going underground. We are noting happenings to the sun. We know that it is much like a living being. It goes through many long term and short term changes. Lately it has lost hydrogen, increased in size, and a large piece of it has broken of and now whorls around one of its poles. 
The Sun is active and its activity effect us positively and negatively. We benefit by learning about that activity.


Covid 19 and Public Health

"Covid 19" 

                        A year or so ago we experienced a new viral disease among us. We have called it Covid 19 and have seen that it is contagious. It has spread among us by droplets of a variety of sizes, many to small to be seen with our unaided eyes. Speaking of eyes it seems probable that Covy, (Covid is affectionately called Covy in my part of Colombia) may enter our system though our eyes. 

                    Covid can be transmitted to us as aerosols and so is a bit airborne, but seems to travel most effectively in a bit of water and the weight of that moisture bears it down. That being the case, its distance of travel is limited. There are disease vectors which much more effectively airborne to which we are subjected.

Other Vectors

                    I do not know how many disease arise or are revived on Earth each day. I am pretty sure that there are more of them than there are of us.

                    A fully airborne virus or other vector could infect a larger number of humans than can Covid. I know of no reason why it could not be more virulent.
Such a situation would be better handled by a co-operative and effective public response. We know much about how to co-operate, but to be effective we need practiced organization. I believe that it is to our benefit and that of our children and youth to create and maintain a more generally organized response that is more organize than any we have practiced. That is a much greater portion of the public may need to better understand the workings of our public heath system so as to make sure it is working well and that it is well worked. We might hear the call for organized understanding co-operation.

                    There are other disease vectors out there and new ones come. They come with the change of season and with climate changes. There are milder vectors than Covid and those which are more disabling. We can call them germs, fungi, bacteria, or something else, but we have dealt with them throughout our history and know that they have come to kill nearly half of us in a couple of years. 
We know that sanitation, excellent food, appropriate clothing and housing and enough physical exercise is good protection and an excellent defense when we do them well.

Systematic Public Health

                    With the help of our public education system and our public health system we can know that we have excellent food and that it is available, the same for appropriate activity, clothing, housing, and sanitation. It is up to us to see that our public heath and education systems are well set up and working.

                    We are the public and the ones responsible for our health and education systems. It is up to see that we are appropriately organized. We are in this together. Nobody has to do it all alone, but it helps if a lot of us keep up on what is going on.

                    We have been reminded that a health public health system is one which the public is well acquainted with. We once had a better corps of well educated public health journalists than we have now and even then we needed a better one. Public health learning is an ongoing activity. The quality of food, water, and air change new germs come along. We need appropriate language to pass along the needed information. A good journalist can write to us or speak to us in language we can understand and that we can act on. The Journalist that we had passed on the word mostly in a newspaper column and sometimes on the radio. Now the word is passed from journal to professional journal by professionals to professionals in a language that even their own husband or wife may not understand.

                    The idea of public systems was that they be of, by, and for the public. But, the people working the system daily had to be clear about what the public wanted and needed, so that means an honest ongoing conversations with many. In a PHS they also need to know or have very good access to health knowledge and information and especially public health knowledge and information. That means a public which is willing to learn a bit and to speak up about their needs wants, and understandings. Having a good number of persons doing the work of  good public health journalists could be of great help.

                    With our help, the help of system professionals and bureaucrats, media people and others we could train and pay good men and women to make the public health word  available to all, bureaucrats, professional's, citizens, interested in public health. With a little more support and co-operation from us the people of our public health system would stand with us effectively in many ways. They could help get those public journalist trained, paid, and keep us well informed in language well understood by all.

                    Nearly all the men and women specializing in public health journalism have been fired and new ones not educated to the trade they need to be more than reporters and we need more than many hundreds of them. We need them at the city, state, county, and federal level. We also need them at several more specialized areas. They need to tells all they can of that we need to know about our use of and our support of our Public Health System in a language we can easily understand.

                      We may want to work out a way to teach ourselves to better support are public heath systems so that our personal health gets better support. We can learn enough and do enough. We are many and we are enough.

                    Thank you for reading.



Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I Like the Geometry

I kind of understand how quantum mechanics is understood and I am beginning to see its predictive value, but I have kind of lost my grip on reality.                        rcs

Monday, May 1, 2023

Rapid Climate Change


We are responsible for us. We can decide to adapt to the present rapid climate changes or not. It is up to us. It seems to me a very good idea to decide to co-operate to adapt together. It seems a good opportunity to learn to do democracy,

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Bison For America: We have called them buffalo.

                    How Bison are saving America's lost prairie, We can have bison and eat them too. Doing so we can eat better more cheaply and have a better America.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Norway! Great Video and Lots of info

Norway: beautiful, rich, and amazing.

                    There is lots of sea coast and forest. You can  see the "norther lights" or get a tan at midnight. There are plenty of Norwegians here and probably more then a couple of trolls. Norway is a Scandinavian country in the far northwest of Europe. It has a long western coast facing the Atlantic Ocean and extends north into the Artic Circle. Their sea still has a supply of cod and also covers a nicely tapped supply of petroleum. Norwegians seem heathy and good looking. On the average they are more well educated then most. They are more quiet, modest, and courteous then one might expect from ex-Vikings. They like their space and seem to need a bit more of it then most. 



Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Climate Changes: Impacts and Your Adaptations

                How are you adapting to the fast changes that are happening today and are probably going to be long term? How are those around you planning and adapting to the changes. They may not be considering the necessary transformation of systems. Hopefully they are considering their ongoing needs for food, water, and shelter. Have you considered how you will do that which needs to be done. Have you and those around you considered how you will co-operate? 

                What needs to be done where you are? Will rising sea levels be a problem? Will the management of drinking water be a concern? Food distribution and food production?
What about health care? What about maladaptation? How are you co-operating and organizing with others.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Few Quotes

                A lot depends upon how one interprets them

                "The philosophy in the classroom today is the philosophy of the government "  by Norman Williams

I am not sure it is true. I believe that parents and citizens are responsible for their schools and that which is taught in the classroom. When they abdicate that responsibility children, youth, and our culture suffers. 

"The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."

by George Orwell

I think that our concepts of honesty, experience, and good evidence could take up a lot of slake.

"The public will believe anything so long as it is not founded on truth."

By Edith Sitwell

This seems an exaggeration and not quite true. It seems that most of our public is educated in our public education systems. It seems that the public is made up of the ones responsible of our public education systems. What happens when they fail to honor their responsibility.

"Ours is the only country deliberately founded on a good idea"

That is republicanism and democracy and the idea that governance is in the hands of the citizens and is their responsibility. When they do not uphold that responsibility the fall into ignorance.

by John Gunther

            What do you think? Who is responsible for you and yours? Who is responsible for your neighborhood? Your health? Your organization. Your county? Your co-operation? Your education? 
